Minggu, 25 September 2011

What Harry Potter has taught me ...

  • Harry Potter taught me that some things are worth dying for.
  • Ron Weasley taught me that believing in yourself is a hundred times more powerful than luck.
  • Hermione Granger taught me that an education is a girl’s best asset, even if it doesn’t make you many friends.
  • Severus Snape taught me to never, ever, ever judge someone.
  • Rubeus Hagrid taught me that anything can be cute with the right perspective.
  • Ginny Weasley taught me that bold is beautiful.
  • Lily Potter taught me that a mother’s love is the strongest force on earth.
  • Remus Lupin taught me that fear is the only thing I should be afraid of.
  • Dolores Umbridge taught me that education with a political agenda is a terrible, terrible thing.
  • Sirius Black taught me that the ones we love never truly leave us.
  • Albus Dumbledore taught me that good people are not always good.
  • Draco Malfoy taught me that bad people are not always bad.
  • Neville Longbottom taught me that courage is standing up for what’s right, even when you’re scared out of your mind.
  • Luna Lovegood taught me that weird is wonderful.
  • Dobby taught me that freedom is a gift.
  • Lucius Malfoy taught me that no amount of money, pomp, or circumstance will buy you true friends.
  • Fred & George Weasley taught me that sometimes all you need is a good laugh.
  • The Dursleys taught me that a world without imagination is a dull and dreary place.
  • Arthur Weasley taught me that a good sense of curiosity and a bit of obsession can be healthy.
  • Fleur Delacour taught me that true love is not based on appearance.
  • Molly Weasley taught me that a happy family is not measured in gold.
  • Bellatrix Lestrange taught me that hatred and prejudice rot your mind and can turn even the most beautiful person into a monster.
  • Kreacher taught me that if you want to get to know a man, look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
  • Cho Chang taught me that rebound relationships almost never work.
  • Nymphadora Tonks taught me to love myself, no matter what I look like.
  • Percy Weasley taught me that, in the end, no career is worth sacrificing your family.
  • Sybill Trelawney taught me that you cannot change the past, only the future.
  • Lavender Brown taught me that physical relationships only last for so long.
  • Peter Pettigrew taught me that rats do not make good friends.
  • Nicholas Flamel taught me that to the well-prepared mind, death is but the next great adventure.
  • Minerva McGonagall taught me that a good cause is worth fighting for at any age.
  • Hedwig taught me that the love we have for our pets is very real.
  • Lord Voldemort taught me that a life without love is barely living.
  • J. K. Rowling taught me that the stories we love will always be with us.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

idk i just wanted to express my feelings or ..

Sejak pertengahan Agustus, gue jadi demen buka email. Kenapa? Soalnya gara-gara Pottermore bakal ngumumin masuk atau enggaknya gue ke Pottermore lewat email. Jadilah, selama hampir sebulan gue bolak-balik buka email. Pas udah nyampe minggu ke 3 , keki juga sih. Gue masuk apa engga? Dan akhirnya setelah 14 tahun nunggu, kemaren (karena gue baru sempet buka email hari ini, jadi baru tau hari ini) email Pottermore gue nyampe! :')
Harry dkk aja bisa nunggu Hogwarts Acceptance Letter selama 11 tahun, kenapa gue yang cuma hampir sebulan enggak? ;))
walaupun Hagrid telat, Errol nyasar, Hogwarts letternya tetep nyampe xD


"You are a witch, Marcia."
"I'm a WHAAT!?" 

Minggu, 18 September 2011


hi! udah lama nih gak blogging lagi hehe. banyak tugas, padahal baru 3 bulan sekolah, dan pulang sekolah cuma bisa belajar-makan-tidur ... :v
BENTAR LAGI UDAH MAU MID!! *panik* terus ret2, ulum, libur natal, tahun baru, try out2, ujian praktek, un!  cepet banget ya udah mau lulus SMP, padahal kemaren baru lulus SD deh :O
mulai minggu ini udah ada tambahan buat un. ngulang2 materi kelas 7 & 8. Sebenernya sih gak terlalu capek2 amat, soalnya kan cuma ngulang materi, jadi langsung ngeh. Sayangnya sabtu masuk! males bangun pagi, gak bisa bangun siang lagi -_- tapi karena cuma ngulang materi kelas 7 & 8 dan sekolah sepi, enak belajarnya, langsung masuk ke otak hoho~ gak enaknya, buat angkatan tahun ini, PM pake acara "top 10" & "bottom 10" + test tiap akhir bulan! katanya sih buat nyemangatin anak2 biar pada lomba nilai. KKM juga dinaikin -.-
sebenernya rada keberatan, tapi ya mau gimana lagi. cuma bisa semangat! moga2 bisa lulus dengan nem tinggi + keterima di sekolah fav. aminn :)))
omong2 sekolah fav, gue masih bingung mau masuk mana :s.  SMA/SMK? kalo udah milih SMA/SMK, mau sekolah yang mana? asrama/sekolah biasa kah? still confused :\
kalo SMA, bisa lanjut kuliah, dapet gelar blablabla. tapi kuliah juga gak ada kejelasannya kan? sarjana aja sekarang banyak yang nganggur. plus, alesan kuat gue gak masuk SMA tuh gak mau ngeliat soal mat, fisika, kimia dkk yang bikin pusing :P
kalo SMK langsung diajarin ketrampilan langsung buat kerja. Umumnya ya langsung kerja. Lulus SMK, ga nyusahin orang tua :D
moga2 dalam waktu deket bisa milih yang paling bagus :D
karena bakal ada banyak ulangan2 + tugas & pensi, bakal gak blogging lagi untuk waktu yang lama ----,____,----